1.2 Update!

Greetings everyone! It is with great pleasure to announce that COTM Got Updated!
What's new:
Added an Options and Exit menu; now you can leave whenever you want, change sounds, and define the match configurations. Speaking of it...
Mask Added!
Being a game made to be played while streaming, some of the content was inaccessible to those that wanted to play offline. To change that we added mask that activate the effects, that being:
- Add more bombs to the grid. Won't add if more than half of the map is already with bomb.
- The floor is lava. Rather than pressing SPACE BAR to reveal a tile, stepping on it will reveal automatically.
- Spawn a zombie. they will chase you and both reset the board and decrease your score if they touch you.
That's all the effects for now. finding another mask or clearing the board will remove the effect of the current mask.
Masks will take a place of a bomb, so it is a high risk-reward deal.
now, talking about a specific effect that changed...
...Zombie Changes!
Previously the zombie despawn after 15 seconds. this was not intentional, the original plan was to make them activate mines and die after the explosion. That original plan still proved to be beyond me, but I've implemented another more interactive:
- Removed the despawn time, a zombie can stay indefinitely.
- Added 4 "lives" to the zombie.
- To damage a zombie, just dig a spot.
- Decreased zombie speed, to make possible to dig while being chase.
What's next:
There is a plan to add a multiplayer match, this will allow us to add more modes. I would also like to add this game to steam, to reach more people, But if I'm not mistaken, there is a specifc configuration to make online games there, so the multiplayer might be a plataform exclusive feature. I will make a model for each mask once I have time and maybey add more of them if I get more ideas (feel free to sugest).
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