1.3 Update!

Greetings everyone! it is with great pleasure to anonnce CotM got a new Game Mode: Versus TikTok.
In it, your tiktok live chat types a location, and the TT player teleports to there and digs, being affected by the same rules as any other player. to move this charater in the grid, your chat must type something like:
- ! : This game will only read messages that start with '!'. some chats auto ban this type of messages, so I am looking for alternatives.
- A letter: Must be from 'A' to 'J', otherwise it will dig somewhere that isn't a tile.
- A number: Must be from '1' to '10', otherwise it will dig somewhere that isn't a tile.
To connect with your tiktok, just Click on VS Tiktok. This will take to an special map made for this. Them type your account name and clic in connect. it will stay a few seconds in the dark and them it will connect and start it. I am going to make it more clear if it is connected or not in a future update.
Quality of Life changes:
- The shovel logic changed. You won't dig the wrong spot now.
- Empty tiles now reveal neighbors tiles. If you prefer the old way, this is a toggleble option in Options, before the match.
- Added a radar sound everytime you dig. The pitch changes depending on your distance to the mask, so it is easier to find the mask. This sound only plays if there is a mask to find, so if you find a mask that doesn't reset the board or deactivate the mask spawn before the match, it wont play.
That's all for now. if you are having any problem, please let me know, and if you have any sugestion, i would like to hear it.
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